Friday, January 28, 2011

So Beautiful and Inspiring: The Blind Side Movie

Our goal for Inspired 31, but also my own personal goals...

Do you ever have a day, where you want to curl up: eat macaroni and cheese and watch a super inspiring movie? Well, today was that kind of day for me! Really, although (Phil 4:8) it was a fabulous day, an appointment with a lovely new client, exciting news from some press releases, a walk with a favorite friend, and dinner with my wonderful "office manager" even though she is so much more and our hysterical hubbies! Plus my kids and hubbie are healthy and happy! BUT, and I say the big BUT (not my big...) but found out something that just made me so sad...

So, since my favorite thing to do in this case, (of course, after I prayed!) is to curl up with a movie, off I go! I wanted to share this with you, in case you haven't seen it, which I can't even imagine, but..... The Blind Side, with Sandra Bullock. If Leanne isn't the most inspiring interior designer I've ever seen.....well, then.......hmmm I don't exactly know....
My two dear friends Wendy and Courtney both texted me from the movie and said that this sooo reminded them of me, and my Dad thinks it IS me in this movie. I only wish to be THAT inspiring (which I am not, for sure!!!) But someday....maybe.......isn't that what "inspiring" is supposed to do........

Anyhow...I'm off to curl up and watch this inspiring movie because sometimes... we all need some macaroni and cheese and a feel-good movie!
Night, Night!
Proverbs 31:20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy...

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