Yesterday on a radio interview, via phone, for a station in Connecticut, the host asked me, "Do you really think God cares about Interior Design?" Yes and no. Does he care about impressive interiors? No. Does he care about each and every person in the design industry, each home, each person that lives in those homes? Yes. I believe God cares about everything, however it may be different than how we perceive how he cares. It all goes back to relationships, talents and how we use them.
For me: I watched my husband Scott use his gifts/skills as a dentist in Romania for Heart of Hope Ministries Intl. (Where the money from our book Inspired Design goes) every year (20yrs) fixing the teeth of children without parents/children in poverty. As I was in Romania trying to help (crying myself to sleep at night because of the tremendous sadness of those children) I decided then and there that I would figure out a way, when my children were older, to help. How? I had no ideas as design is not exactly a skill that can easily be applied to orphans. But I knew God had a great plan....I needed only to wait on Him. Years later...the book...the proceeds to Heart of Hope.
It is not stopping there:, Iron27, and more.
While preparing for a "Day of Home and Hospitality" that my girlfriend Lorianne and I will be speaking at on February 4th, we have been talking so much about just that: celebrating each other's gifts. The world's way of doing things is all about perfection and competition. The opposite way is: God's beautiful way to do what you can, where you are, with what you have. (Combination of many scripture references). One of the things I most love to do is design!
So I thought I'd share with you the trip to Paris with my daughter, her best friend, Imogen, and her mom, Francesca! This was five years ago and we are all still dear friends. Blessing! It took alot of creativity to combine the use of design to benefit God's kingdom, but God was patient with me, until I could see it could be done. Hope you enjoy this tour through Paris. You'll a photograph showing each of our great Paris love's! Imogen: Books, Hannah: Food, Francesca: Shakespeare, Roxanne: Antiques!
Zephaniah 3:17
He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, He will calm your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs