As I Write Timeless Tips, I think Back to WICM in Nashville Conference
for inspiration.....
I was asked to write a story for Bella Magazine (with Hannah) on Timeless Tips for Hospitality and Home, and although it is mostly written, something is still missing...Since I need some inspiration.....
I thought I'd share with you my notes (in that form) from some amazing women of faith, to inspire me :), on my break before I finish the article and hit "send".
Topic of Conference was Esther: For Such a Time as This! (Esther 4:14)
Kay Arthur (The most dynamic, poignant, truthful speaker whose style is unapologetic, yet grace-filled) was amazing! Her main point was to have an un-divided life. You can only serve ONE master. No man has two-masters. You can tell whose master is yours by the way you treat people. You need to understand the times we live in. (ISam8) He WAITED 7 days.... The lines are drawn. Don't limit God. Be brave, and do not flinch. Be trained for spiritual battle, able to handle your "spear", which is the word of God. The word is our plumbline. Bring everything you say under His authority. You are a precious (We) daughter of the King. Precious One: Mighty women of valor, be His faithful girl. Be all HE tells you to be. Do not be a hypocrite.
Jennifer O'Neil (Actress, Producer & Outspoken on Excellence and God's Message in the Media) We should be like minded, in the world, but not of it. Struck me deeply: God always says "Come Here" (To teach us, perhaps through a trial) before He says,"Let's Go".....out and serve others, You can't go, before you have listened and learned...... Very poignant.
Vonette Bright (Wife of Campus Crusade for Christ Founder, Bill Bright) was my favorite speaker, in terms of being able to relate to her message: The Moral Character of our country is represented in our women. (Made me ponder so much of disgusting media)
America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. Alexis de Tocqueville (Her favorite Quote)
Our responsibility begins at the family table (yippee)
I (She) wanted to shake them (us) to preach the word and be united in heart & mind. We should train our children/teens up as they should go...
World needs AUTHENTICITY.. Jeremiah 1:5 (knew you before you were made, what YOU should do) (Inspired31: To find & follow) What does God say? Ephesians 4:1: Live a life WORTHY of YOUR calling! Don't be what others expect you to be, be authentically you, the world is in dyer need of authenticity. (Acts 4) Oh, Lord our Creator. I love this in terms of us and our families, and us in terms of !!!
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